Action: Emily has stopped at the door and is turning the handle. She then opens the door to find Boo Kitty with a mouse in his mouth.
Dialogue: Emily "What the.."
FX- Cat Cries; Door click
Action: Cat rushes through Emily's legs. Once in the room proudly presents his catch.
Dialogue: Emily: "..HEY! ....ok, ok what a great mighty hunter you are...."
FX- Cat purr
Action: Mouse escapes from cat and runs under the bed. Scene changes to close up of cat trying to reach the mouse under the bed.
Dialogue: Emily: "OH NO!"
FX- Cat growl
Action: Emily reaches down and picks Boo Kitty up away from the bed. Scene changes to see mouse huddling under the bed.
Dialogue: Emily: "Okay Boo, you may as well leave him alone..."